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Amy Pruett Speaks on Creating Cultures that Support Wellbeing

Thu, Feb 24, 2022
1:00 PM

On Feb. 24 at 1:00pm EST, Amy Pruett is speaking with Michele Powers, chair of the American Bar Association Law Practice Division’s WellBeing Committee on Creating Cultures that Support Wellbeing, as part of an overall Mastermind series for Firm Engagement through wellbeing.

Attendees will learn:

  • How to understand burnout, its causes, and challenges

  • What high value teams do to succeed

  • How to best facilitate conflict resolution within your team

  • Practical tips for shifting out of a toxic culture into one that supports your talent and increases retention

The event is free to ABA members and has CLE credit pending in multiple states.

To learn more and register for the event, click here.