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Cover Your ‘Global’ Assets: Global Branding & Protecting Your Creative Property

Mon, Jul 20, 2020
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EDT

Why manage and protect your global brand? Your brand tells the world who you are and identifies your products and services. If developed, maintained, and enforced wherever you are doing business, you may maximize brand equity and recognition internationally.  Please join us for an interactive discussion on what steps you should take to protect your most important assets in the U.S. and beyond.  We will address the following questions, and more:

  • What am I doing to ensure my brands, taglines, creative content and works are available and protected?
  • Do my contracts clearly define each party’s rights and ownership?
  • Am I using any third-party content in a manner that needs to be authorized or licensed?
  • Do I need to federally register, renew, and enforce use of my marks and creative content?
  • Where and how do I need to protect my brand internationally?
  • Am I challenging third-party infringement to protect my intellectual property?

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