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COVID-19 "Reopening" Discussion with Virginia Association of Community Banks

Wed, May 20, 2020
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM EDT

Webinar hosted by Virginia Association of Community Banks

Some states are moving toward easing their stay at home restrictions and looking at slowly reopening. There’s no road map or playbook that sets a clear path of how to best proceed with reopening businesses, especially banks. Even though Virginia isn’t there quite yet, what will your bank's “reopening” best practices look like that you will employ as we move towards easing the stay at home restrictions?

Topics to include:

  • Complying with State and federal guidance in preparing your workplace to “reopen” to the public
  • Identifying legitimate employee concerns and how to address those that are not
  • Training employees
  • Documenting and auditing your COIVD-19 “reopening” plan
  • Q&A and much more.

Get your bank registered and join the discussion!