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December 2022 Tax Forum

Thu, Dec 1, 2022
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST

In this edition of the Williams Mullen Tax Forum, Farhad Aghdami will provides an update on recent wealth transfer tax developments and Kevin Bender discusses a new IRS revenue procedure for resolving common mistakes relating to S corporation elections.

Join Williams Mullen for our Winter Tax Forum on Thursday, December 1, 2022, where Farhad Aghdami will provide an update on recent wealth transfer tax developments and Kevin Bender will provide an update on a new IRS revenue procedure for resolving common mistakes relating to S corporation elections.

Continuing Education Credit
This program will be submitted for 1.0 hour of CFP and CPE credit.

Vionne Clarke | Marketing Assistant |

This webinar is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice nor automatically form an attorney-client relationship with participants.