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Webinar: Marketing Practices Liability In The Firearms Industry

Tue, Nov 12, 2019
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST

In this live webinar co-hosted by Camden Webb and Chuck James from Williams Mullen, and moderated by Philip Milks from Orchid Advisors, we will explore the potential path to liability carved out in Connecticut, discuss how this precedent could be applied in other states, and address steps that industry members can take to protect themselves.

Click here to download the presentation materials and view a recording of the webinar

Topics include:

  • A review of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, the Connecticut case, and the theory of potential liability.
  • The severity of risk should any industry member get sued for criminal misuse of products.
  • Best practices for monitoring and policing marketing strategies.
  • Additional steps industry members should take to reduce risk.