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Webinar: Virginia Clean Economy Act - Blockbuster General Assembly Session

Wed, Apr 1, 2020
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM EDT

2020 was a blockbuster year in the Virginia General Assembly for clean energy legislation with the passage of several important bills, including most notably the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA). The overall goal of the VCEA is to reduce Virginia’s carbon emissions to zero by 2045 and includes groundbreaking provisions that are expected to spur and accelerate the growth of solar and wind projects in Virginia.

Join us for a for an informative and timely webinar on the VCEA and other recently passed legislation affecting solar and renewable energy projects in Virginia.  The webinar will be hosted by Brad Nowak and Bob Riley, co-chairs of Williams Mullen’s Solar and Wind Energy Practice Groups, who will be joined by Patrick Cushing, vice chair of Williams Mullen’s Government Relations practice group. 

Click here to download the event materials


You will learn about:

  • Overview of key provisions of the VCEA, including:
    • Mandates for Dominion and Appalachian Power to build or contract for 16,100 MWs and 600 MWs (respectively) of solar or onshore wind projects, and 2,700 MW and 400 MWs (respectively) of energy storage projects
    • Establishment of a mandatory renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS) program in Virginia
    • Solar and wind project public interest declarations
    • Expansion of the net-metering program
    • Expansion of the renewable energy third party power purchase agreement (PPA) pilot program
  • Solar revenue share and amendments to the certified pollution control equipment and facilities tax exemption

Q&A Submissions:
Q&A will follow the speakers’ presentations. If you would like to submit a question, please email